Decolonizing Imaginaries is the title of Alvaro's visual research in Visual Arts, as part of masters degree completed in 2023.
Unflagging Pyramids is an original installation, created for the solo show presented as part of the artist's master degree conclusion (2021-2023). The pyramid shape is part of an extensive research in the borders between two and three dimensions. In this exercise, the artist choses to evoque a pyramidal hierarchy composed by different variations from the Brazilian flag. The inverted pyramid creates a dialogue between two opposite configurations, inviting the viewer's eye to navigate throughout different visual approaches.
Both pyramids are formed by 60 original 18 x 24 inches posters glued upon a white foam-core board surface, hand-cut to fit two posters side-by-side in a 'v' shape display. Each poster is created by an encounter of print techniques as mask painting, print screen and stamping.